24 Adorable Best Friend Quotes for You and Your Bestie

20 Short Friendship Quotes to Share With Your Best Friend - Cute ... | Friend  quotes distance, Long distance friendship quotes, Short friendship quotes

We all know the importance of having best friends. We tell them everything, from our crush of the week to our deepest darkest secrets we wouldn’t think of telling anyone else. They’re your partner in life, your sister, basically your everything, and these adorable best friend quotes are sure to tell you bestie just how special they are to you.

101 Best Friend Quotes - Friendship Quotes For Your BFF


1 Dear Bestie,

I don’t want you in my life, I need you in my life.

You’re not just my friend, you’re my best friend.

I don’t like you, I love you.

I’m glad I found you, because I was completely lost before I found you.

This is adorable because it really tells your best friend just how much they mean to you, and that you would be completely lost without them(which is of course so incredibly true, right?).

24 Adorable Best Friend Quotes for You and Your Bestie
@ bestiesforever_ig

2 Best friend isn’t just a word; best friend is someone who is there for you no matter what, through the thick and thin. Anyone can be a friend, but a best friend? That is something that has to be earned. My best friend knows me better than myself sometimes. Best friends share laughter AND tears. You can trust your best friend with everything and anything. I might have a lot of friends, but you’re my only best friend.


This describes friendship to a T.

 Short Friendship Quotes to Share With Your Best Friend - Cute ... | Friend quotes distance, Long distance friendship quotes, Short friendship quotes

3 Best friends make the good times better, and the hard times easier.


It’s so true! Best friends really change everything about life, the good and the bad.


4 You are my best friend, my human diary, and my other half. You mean the world to me and I love you.


A best friend is truly the key to your soul and will listen to everything and anything you have to say with open ears and an open heart. It is remarkable.


5 Dear Bestie,

No matter how many other friends I have or how much I talk to them,

Always remember that nobody could or ever will replace you.

You were, are, and always will be irreplaceable.

You will always have a place in my heart for eternity.


Because of course you’re going to have other friends, but none of them will ever mean as much as your bestie!


6 Because of you I laugh a little harder, cry a little less, and a smile a lot more.


Best friends just have such an impact like that!


7 I hope we’re friends till the day we die. And then I hope we’re ghost friends and walk through walls to scare people together.


Why wouldn’t you want to remain friends in the afterlife and cause problems like you do now? Ha!


8 Yes, we’re aware of how obnoxious we are when we are together. And no, we don’t care.


Yes, it’s no mistaking how incredibly obnoxious we all get when we’re around our best friends. But no, we don’t care. Isn’t it funny how we wouldn’t act that way without them? We NEED them in our lives for good times and obnoxiousness!


9 We’re best friends because if anyone heard what we talked about we would be in mental institutions.


This is just too true.


10 If you ever need to cry, call me. I can’t promise I will make it better, but I will listen and cry with you.


Sometimes just having a best friend to cry with you makes all the difference in the world.


11 We’re best friends. Always remember that if you fall, I will pick you up. After I quit laughing, though.


You have to laugh, it’s just too funny!


12 I never let my best friend do stupid things. Alone.


Why should they have all the fun, anyways?


13 A best friend is someone that will love you even when you don’t love yourself.


So beautiful, and so true.


14 True friends are never apart, maybe in distance but never in heart.


Best friends don’t have to be right next to each other or talk all the time to remain close, and that’s the beauty of it all.


15 You are my best friend because you believe in me even when I don’t believe in myself.


Best friends are truly the best, no doubt about it.


16 A best friend will slap you without any reason, but also love you unconditionally.


They’re love slaps, of course.


17 One million memories, ten thousand jokes, one hundred secrets, one reason: best friends.


18 Thank you for being my unbiological sister.


19 1 universe, 9 planets, 204 countries, 809 islands, 7 seas, and I had the privilege of meeting you.


It was meant to be, obviously.


20 God made us best friends because he knew mom couldn’t handle us as sisters.


Definitely, definitely not.


21 Best friends know how crazy you are but still go out in public with you.


22 Friendship isn’t about who you’ve known the longest, but who came and never left your side.


23 I don’t know what’s tighter, our jeans or our friendship.


This is a funny one. But if you and your gal pal have a tendency to squeeze into those fashionable skinny blue jeans, it’s probably the perfect quote for you guys!


24 I want to write ‘I Miss You’ on a rock and throw it at your face so you know how much this is hurting me!


Yeah, missing a best friend is the absolute WORST FEELING.


What more could we possibly say? Best friends are remarkable. They’re always the ones by our sides and we can’t get enough of them. Without, our lives would probably end up like one big jumbled mess, so it is really important we tell them (and show them) how important they are to us, and these best friend quotes are bound to help.


We love funny and loving best friend quotes. Which quote is your favorite? Share with us your all time favorite best friend quotes so we can share them with our besties, too

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