Air ionizers are devices that generate negative ions and add electrical charges to the air molecules in a room. This ionization process works to purify the air in your home by attracting and capturing allergens such as dust, pollen, mold spores, and other non-hygienic, unpleasant particles that float through the air in your home.
If you’re interested in purchasing an air ionizer to purify your air, keep reading the following Best Air Ionizers reviews to discover the top rated best air ionizers on the current market.
Also you can check the Top Air Purifier Reviews and 10 best selling Air Purifiers here.
10. One Earth Health Ionic Ozone Air Purifier 
This air ionizer is an extremely powerful device. It has an adjustable ozone output of between fifteen and fifty milligrams per hour. This output allows the ionizer to purify up to three hundred thirty square feet at one time. Plus, the ionizer is also very quiet and is a non-disruptive device to have in your home.
Designed to kill germs that cause dangerous diseases including e-coli and staph infections, this air ionizer purifies as well as deodorizes the air. It can remove allergen particles like mold from the air. Plus, it can eliminate odors, including smoke, perfume, musty air, and any other unpleasant smells that commonly accumulate within a home.
9. Breathe Fresh Air HEPA Air Ionizer 
Featuring a special UV sterilizer, this air ionizer produces negative ions in order to eliminate allergens, viruses, and germs from the air. It is ready to combat nasty reactions, such as itchy eyes, sinus irritation, and more, that are commonly caused by allergens in the home.
This air ionizer produces three hundred sixty milligrams of ozone per hour. This high ozone output allows the ionizer to eliminate unpleasant odors, including the smell of chemicals, smoke, mold, and more, from your home. Plus, this one ionizer can generate enough ozone and ionization to purify the air in spaces of up to three thousand five hundred square feet within one to two hours of running.
8. Breathe Fresh Air 5-in-1 Air Ionizer
This all-inclusive air purifier from Breathe Fresh Air is ready to do it all. It is equipped with the power to remove both small and large airborne allergen particles, including pollen, dust, mold and more, from the air. It provides full purification coverage to areas of up to three thousand five hundred feet without a struggle. As well as removing allergens, the ionizer also eliminates unpleasant odors such as smoke fumes, food smells, and more from the air in your home.
The ionizer features many different options in order to offer the purification you need for your home. It comes with a five-speed fan, a purifier with five different levels, and an ozone function. The ionizer’s ozone setting can produce one hundred eighty milligrams of ozone per hour.
7. Envion Ionic Air Purifier 
This air ionizer provides air purification for your home that is completely silent. With this ionizer, you don’t have to worry about introducing an unfamiliar, disruptive appliance into your peaceful home. It purifies the air without making any noise in order to provide you with fresh, clean air to breathe.
The ionizer functions to remove allergen particles from the air in your home. It can eliminate potential allergens and irritants such as dust, pollen, mold, and more. As an added bonus, the ionizer is very energy-efficient. Amazingly, it actually uses less energy than a single compact fluorescent lightbulb.
6. New Comfort Ozone Air Ionizer
This air ionizer is equipped with five different stages of air purification in order to clean and freshen the air in your home as quickly and efficiently as possible. Its five stages include hospital-grade washable HEPA, UV germicidal light, ozone output, negative ion filtration, and powerful fan that collects and traps dirt and allergens.
The ionizer is able to purify air in spaces of up to three thousand square feet at one time. Plus, its HEPA filter is completely washable in order to extend its lifespan and ensure that your ionizer works perfectly for as long as possible.
5. Lasko Fresh Air Ionizer
This device from Lasko functions as both a fan and an air ionizer in order to purify, circulate, and cool the air in your home all at the same time. It includes a timer and a remote control that allow you to maintain hands-free control over your fan and ionizer at all times.
The ionizer is extremely quiet. As the fan silently cools your home, the ionizer works to purify the air in the room and remove allergens and irritating particles from your home.
4. Best Choice Products Air Ionizer
This air ionizer is both fashionable functional. It is crafted from gorgeous solid cherry-colored wood and stainless steel. The ionizer’s design helps it blend seamlessly into the decor of your home without being an eyesore.
The ionizer functions to remove both allergens and odors from your home using its negative ion generator. It can eliminate dust, pollen, and any other harmful particles that are floating around the air in your home. This allergen elimination helps restore freshness and cleanliness to the air your breathe.
3. Enerzen Air Purifier
Because it is a commercial or industrial-grade air ionizer, this device is extremely powerful and effective at cleaning and purifying the air in your home. It is designed as an ionizer and deodorizer. Therefore, the ionizer is ready to eliminate any unpleasant smells, including cigarette smoke, painting fumes, must, and more, from your home.
As an added bonus, this ionizer can eliminate, prevent, and control mold growth in your home. It eliminates airborne mold, mildew, and fungus particles from the air in order to restore hygiene, safety, and balance to the air in your home.
2. Homes HEPA Desktop Air Ionizer
This HEPA air purifier and ionizer can remove airborne particles as small as two microns from the air in your home. It features three different speed settings. These settings can be used depending on the current condition of the air in the environment around the device.
The ionizer can fully purify the air in rooms of up to one hundred nine square feet. In order to fit comfortably within as many rooms as possible, the ionizer can be placed horizontally or vertically. You can position the ionizer depending on which placement works most effectively within your space.
1. Guardian Technologies GermGuardian Air Cleaning System
This air ionizer is perfect for use in medium-sized rooms, such as your kitchen, living room, or master bedroom. It features three different speeds in order to fully purify even very low-quality air.
This ionizer includes UV-C light technology. The special technology functions to efficiently and thoroughly remove dangerous airborne allergens, such as viruses, germs, mold, and bacteria, from the air in your home. This ionizer is extremely powerful. It is able to eliminate more than ninety-nine percent of all irritating particles, such as pollen, mold, and dust, from your home. The ionizer can trap both small and large particles, even if they are as minuscule as zero-point-three microns.
You shouldn’t have to worry about breathing anything else other than fresh, clean air in your own home. Purchasing an air ionizer can help you reach this goal. Air ionizers purify the air in your home by eliminating odors, dust, and other allergens. Use this list in this post of the top ten best air ionizers to learn more about how you can achieve the highest possible air quality in your home.
Also you can check the Top Air Purifier Reviews and 10 best selling Air Purifiers here.